
Bishop William F. von Rolappe, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Ordained Priest
Br. Salvador Benitez Iglesias, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Consecrated Bishop
Br. Michael Joseph Scalzi, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Ordained Priest
Br. Justin Gerhart Michael Lara-Gutierrez White, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Ordained Priest
Br. Anton Ndrecaj, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Consecrated Bishop
Br. Anselm Beatty, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Ordained Priest
Br. Christopher Mary Courtright-Cox, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Ordained Priest
Br. Antonio Nyandoro Ocharo, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Ordained Priest
Br. John Kelmy Rodriquez, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Ordained Priest
Br. Sebastian Szymoniak, OSB
Benedictine Monk & Ordained Priest
Br. Stefan Holland, OSB

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